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Friday, February 11, 2011 P A R T FOUR In part four we're going to learn:
Hey guys! Long time no see, wonder if you've missed me eh? I don't get a lot of replies on this thread so I feel like a lot of the times I'm doing this for nothing. If this has helped you, leave me a message okay? I need encouragement too, these things take a bit of time to type up and write. Oh also, feel free to REQUEST any tutorials that you would like on Photoshop, blending, etc. Alright so for today's lesson, we're going to focus on tutorials, the bane of every signature maker's life. What are textures? They can be anything really, stock images, official 'textures', your mom's old wedding photo. ANYTHING can be a texture! Here are some examples of textures. (I made these textures so if you use it, please credit me) I have actually grouped the textures on my computer into these four types. Grungy Textures consist of textures that look dirty, worn, broken down.
Light Textures are any textures that have glowing lights involved. Other Textures (ones that don't fit into grunge or light)
And lastly, Icon textures. You can google it for some examples but basically icon textures are just 100x100 textures for icon making. What are textures used for? They are mostly used to spice up images or add flavor and variety to an otherwise bland image. Let's take our signature so far, if I add the three types of textures to it. Grunge texture added with layer style lighten. Light texture added with layer style lighten. Other texture added with layer style lighten. (However since it's colorful, it could be applied with soft light, or overlay, it all depends on the mood/emotion that you want your signature to convey) See how much of a difference a simple texture can make on a graphic? If you don't know where to find textures, simply google textures, or go on deviant art and search, I guarantee you'll find more than enough good textures to last you. Good textures can add a lot of pissaz to your graphic, because us graphic designers can't always design every little detail of our graphics, you're looking for vector artists. P I T F A L L S Don't get me wrong, textures are a great thing and everything...But there is such a thing as excess. Try not to overuse textures so that it looks like somebody puked textures all over your graphic. Ew. Don't understand what I mean? Take a look. A signature? Wait, WHAT?! Oh my gosh, look at that poor girl smothered under there. No. Just no, don't do it, try not to do it. Next up is brushes, another thing that people can overkill on....Oh god. This is the end of Part Four. ♥ Labels: Signature Guide |